Chicago’s Leading Custom Retail Printer for Over 30 Years

Experienced Personnel

No matter the type and size of an organization, it is always defined by its personnel. We’re especially proud of the technicians and artists on our staff, and many have been with us for 20 or more years. They are the ones who make it all happen and allow us to produce graphics solutions of unsurpassed clarity and quality. No matter their job descriptions, technical proficiency or tenure with our company, they all share the same passion for producing graphics solutions and serving our clients.

Each member of our staff is carefully screened and chosen to complement the skills of other staff members. They bring their own skill set to our organization, and we take great care to instill in them our passion for always attaining the best possible quality for our clients. We strive to foster an environment where all of them contribute to the imaging process and have their talents rewarded with an end product that meets or exceeds our clients’ expectations.

We’re also proud of our state-of-the-art equipment, but it is of little use without the technicians and artists who know how to use it to its full potential and produce images that bring our clients’ ideas to life. They keep every piece of equipment properly calibrated and operating at maximum efficiency to create vibrant, engaging graphics that ensure fast turnaround times on each client’s project and deliver the results they need to be successful.

If you’re a current or former client, you’re very familiar with our experienced personnel and the unique skills they bring to the table. If we have never had the privilege to work for your organization and you need graphics solutions from the very best in the business, please call us at ColorImage today at 312-666-2844 to find out for yourself why our experienced personnel are our greatest asset.